Sunday, December 13, 2009

Intro to MahoVote -- Powered by The Youngstown Conservative

Welcome to MahoVote here at blogspot and powered by The Youngstown Conservative.

It is said that an uninformed vote is the most dangerous kind of vote that exists. The truth in this is hard to deny and yet few do anything about it. To many people, we live in a technologically intimidating world. A world in which googling a topic will give you millions of results and finding the needle in the haystack that answers your questions is not always easy. MahoVote aims to eliminate some of the frustration caused by an oversaturation of information by concentrating on what we in the Valley will be voting on.

This blog will be an attempt at servicing the Mahoning Valley in bi-, tri-, and non-partisan efforts to educate residents in the Youngstown area on issues that face the Valley in upcoming election cycles. We will cover local and state issues and candidates. On occasion, national issues may be covered, but primarily, the focus IS and SHOULD BE on local and state. Let the national outlets hire the lawyers to interpret those 2,000 page bills.

The Valley is large and I will be recruiting help for this task. So, if you have a journalistic itch that needs to be scratched, an interest in the local political scene, or just have an opinion that you'd like to share, submit it. If you have a request, let it be known. If you're a candidate or an elected official, contact us to let us know what you'd like the people to know. And, by all means, if you're a voter here in the Valley, remember MahoVote.